November 25, 2015

As many of you know, a week and half ago Joey was diagnosed with stage 4 Melanoma in his liver and probably in his colon. Due to the fact we have been in and out of hospitals, clinics and doctor appointments, we have not had a lot of time to communicate clearly with our friends and loved ones. Hopefully this blog will do just that.

It all started about 2 months ago right before Joey and I moved back from the UK to our new home in Cincinnati, OH. Joey hadn’t been feeling well but we simply assumed it was all a part of the stress of moving/starting a new job/new life process. To make a long story short, we eventually went to a series of doctors appointments, culminating in a diagnosis that we neither anticipated nor could have imagined.

We are still in a mixture of shock, numbness, fear, anger, determination and hope. This concoction of emotions is making this update difficult to write with much clarity. So for now, I am just going to give you what we know, some things we are thankful for and how you can continue to pray with us.

So here is what we know right now:

  • The melanoma that Joey had as an 11 year old (that was believed to be eradicated) has been laying dormant for the last 16 years and has reappeared in his liver and most likely in his colon (though we are waiting on a colonoscopy to confirm this suspicion). It is stage 4 simply because it has traveled from its original starting place -his ear. This kind of melanoma is due to a rare genetic mutation but we are unaware of any more specifics at this time.
  • Joey is receiving immunotherapy treatment once every 3 weeks at the Cleveland Clinic. His first treatment was completed yesterday. It is our understanding that immunotherapy takes the breaks off of Joey’s immune system thus enabling it to fight the cancer cells. Though there are potential side effects related to this treatment, they are not present at this time.

Some things we are thankful for:

  • We are really thankful that Joey is young and otherwise healthy which, we are told, can really increase the effectiveness of the drugs as well as his ability to handle them.
  • We are really thankful he was not diagnosed with this 5 years ago. The field of melanoma care is making huge strides and we are on the leading edge of effective care. Many stories of remission leave us feeling optimistic.
  • We are really thankful for our doctor at Cleveland Clinic (where we have been and will be going for this first phase of treatment). Not only is he a nationally renowned expert in the field of melanoma, he is kind, present and patient with the million questions I have for him.

Specific prayer requests we have:

  • Please continue to pray with us for Joey’s full and perfect healing. Though we follow a vulnerable carpenter and not a magician, we believe the Incarnate One among us still performs supernatural miracles.
  • Please continue to pray with us that Joey’s body will respond to this treatment effectively – totally eliminating the cancer from his body, without any side effects.
  • Please continue to pray with us for Joey’s appetite to return in order to stop his weight loss and that his liver function remains high through this process.
  • Please continue to pray with us that we will be able to find an excellent local doctor in Cincinnati.

Thanks for being in this with us.

brooklin (and joey)

53 thoughts on “November 25, 2015

  1. Brookline and Joey, I am so sorry you are going through this. We will pray for you . Please let us know how you are doing. God is able.
    Love and praying, Diana and Paul Armstrong.

  2. Absolutely will be praying!! Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus…He will never leave you as you walk through this. And He is more than able to heal Joey! I will be praying for you and believing with you both.

  3. Prayers & love continually coming your way. Thanksgiving for such a great physician, both earthly and heavenly. Thank you for letting us know how best to pray for you. You are loved.

  4. Know that we love you and are committed to pray regular for Joey’s healing and for strength and comfort for both of you. Dan & Anne Taylor

    • Dear Joey and Brooklin, Jim and I are in prayer for you! We are praying for healing, for endurance, for God’s presence and work to be evident in the way He chooses and guides it to be. Brooklin, maybe one day we will get to meet you also in person ! Joey, Jim and I have always appreciated the friendship with you, who you are as a brother in the Lord! Love, Jim and Eeva

  5. My husband and I believe in the power of prayer. We will pray daily for Joey, his doctors, and his family. Let your Faith guide you and be bigger than your fears. Becky & Kent Loose

  6. Brooklin and Joey, I am trusting God will heal Joey completely with no return. Please let us know if you need anything. We are praying for you both. Love, Faith and Dave

  7. Brookline, thanks for sharing your heart! Please know you are surrounded in love and prayers! God’s are is not too short to totally heal Joey’s body!! With love, the Vargos ❤️🙏🏼😘

  8. Joey, you probably don’t remember me, but I knew you from FCC’s youth group in high school. The first thing I think of when your name comes up is a night that you and Adam and Logan came down to the prayer room and prayed for me when my sister was sick, and the peace and comfort I felt then in the midst of all the chaos and fear. Praying for you now, for healing and peace and that you know that you are surrounded by your brothers and sisters in Christ.

  9. Joey, you probably don’t remember me, but I knew you from FCC’s youth group in high school. When I saw your name on my newsfeed, the first thing that came to mind was a time when you, Adam, and Logan prayed with me when my sister was sick, and the peace and comfort I felt in the midst of the chaos. Praying for you now, for healing and peace, and that you would feel surrounded by the love of Christ and your brothers and sisters in Him.

  10. Thanks for this, Brookl! Tomorrow we’ll be dedicating some time at the office to pray for you. This helps us on how to pray and support better!!

  11. Thank you for the time you found to write this blog. We are all sad, angry and shocked but we also see God’s hope in the midst of chaos and despair. I will pray everyday for Joey

  12. Joey, god is still watching over all of us, knowing even a “sparrows fall”. I, and all the family and I am sure friends are praying.

  13. Dear Brooklin and Joey, We are praying for you and Joey. Thank you for sharing in this blog. We love nyou guys and praying for God’s healing and complete touch. HE is the great physician. Dan and Anne Taylor

  14. Oh Brook! My heart is heavy for you but I am so glad our God is bigger than this!!! Praying for peace and strength!! Hugs from the Routts!!!!

  15. Thank you for writing! Knowing the emotions, the challenges and each step by step process are very challenging. We love you both and are praying for you a lot. Praying for healing, strength, and appetite.

  16. You have our love and our prayers! If there is anything more we can do from a broad, don’t hesitate to let us know. Praying for healing and strength for the both of you.

  17. Dear Joey and Brook,
    I am sorry to hear this news, but I am quite sure with the faith and willingness you have you will be able to overcome this. You will be in my prayers.

  18. Dear Brooke and Joel, We are Fully supportive to each one of you in this journey. We will continue praying and praying and praying and asking St Charbel (our LEBANESE Saint) to do a miracle and intercede and cure Joel. We as Muslim and Christians believers we will pray Friday Nov 27 and next week for Joel and for Brooke.
    Our Dear St Charbel, you know how much Joel believed in the Lebanese Youth and in the importance of being bridge builders, please cure Joel completely and let him join us soon to Lebanon and with him we will go to offer more prayers in your monastery. Amen.

  19. Joey, our God created our cells, orders them and they obey. Thus keep your trust in him because He knows the best for you. You will always be in our prayers. May God heal you my friend. Zsazsa

  20. thanks for being strong enough to share with us…Joey im sure God has the perfect plans for you, you been there supporting everyone heartedly and faithfully and i trust Jesus is leading tour journey.. youn guys are in our daily you!
    Dany and Eliana

  21. Oh Brooke…and Joey…certainly we are praying! Kerry will actually be in Cincinnati next week for a few days…..! Feeling all sorts of emotions for you both! Love Annie and Kerry, Freeset

  22. Brook and Joey, We are so saddened to hear that you are going through this.
    Steve and I will be holding each of you and your families up in prayer.
    Sending Our Love, Steve and Rebecca Shust

  23. Joey – I’m so sorry you have to travel this road, but I am comforted knowing you are a man of great faith and strength. I’ll be praying!

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